Monday, August 15, 2011

My Pregnancy - 34 Weeks

Hard to believe I will be 34 weeks on Wednesday and since I have been bad about blogging I thought this would be a good place to start updating.   (Picture is from 33.5 weeks and not very good)

How far along: 34 weeks

Size of baby: Average baby weight at 34 weeks is 4 and 3/4 pounds- the size of a cantaloupe!

Total weight gain/loss: +25-30 (ugh that sounds like a lot!!!)

Maternity clothes: Almost everything I wear is maternity. I have a couple of maxi type dresses that are non maternity that are working out rather well still.

Gender: It's a girl!  The boys are getting a little SISTER!

Movement:  She is moving like crazy!  When I am relaxing in the evenings, you can see so much movement on the outside it looks like a party is going on in there. 

Sleep: Still ok.  Getting up 2-3 times to go to the bathroom and waking up in the night achy and needing to switch positions but still getting good rest for the most part. 

What I miss: Nothing too much.  I miss the occasional glass of wine.

Cravings:  Still ice cream and watermelon.  I cannot get enough. 

Symptoms: Heartburn, mostly at night when I lay down.  Also, lower back and belly pain and tailbone pain. 

Fun Purchases: A couple more adorable outfits!  I love shopping for girl stuff!

Surprises: That I have made it to 34 weeks complication free and also how fast time is flying by.

Best Moment this week: Tomorrow we will be exactly one month away from our scheduled c-section!!!

Next Dr. appointment  Thursday 8.18.2011
C section 9.16.2011
Emersyn Joy will be here in 1 month!!!

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