Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nursery Bedding

Well, after much deliberation and searching, we finally have the bedding for the baby's room. 

The bedding is from Pottery Barn, and I think it will work out perfectly.  I did not want anything with butterflies or flowers and debated whether to even do pink.  I decided that this will probably be the only girl I will ever have and that I should take that into consideration. 

Instead of buying the bedding set, I decided to buy the pieces separately and not buy the crib bumper. We didn't use bumpers with the boys because it is recommended that you don't because of suffocation/SIDS, etc. I thought I might try it anyway this time around, but since it saved me almost $90 to go without I decided it was worth it.  

So now the big dilemma is paint colors.  My parents will be here this weekend and are bringing the crib (big thanks to my wonderful sis) and my dad said he would help with the painting project.   Currently the room has a chair rail, which I think we will plan to keep, although it may need to be fixed a little as it wasn't done well the first time.  With the chair rail, I want to do two different colors, one on top and one on bottom.  I want the room to be semi-neutral and didn't want to do pink or green on the walls.  I do like the colors in the nursery picture above.  I think the top may be a very pale green, and then maybe do white on the bottom?  Or flip it and do white on top and green on bottom since the white crib will be more on the bottom half of the wall (so it's not white on white).  Also, I always love any colors in the taupe/beige color family, but not so sure that would work with the bedding and since the crib is white and the bedding has white in it, I don't think I could do anything off white or creamy.  For some reason this decision has been making me crazy and I just can't think about it anymore.  So give me your opinions please, as I have to make a decision in the next few days!  

1 comment:

  1. I didn't repaint Molly's room (or any room upstairs for that matter, i'm lazy) and it's in the beige family and well her colors are pink and green and it goes well w/ it. I used a lot of the colors as accents around the room...the pictures of her room are on my FB page. I love pink and green, I just love the 2 colors on their own too! Funny about the bumpers, we didn't use any w/ Ryan either and the ones that came w/ Molly's bedding were so soft and cozy and she just cuddles right into them now they are still on the crib!
    But as far as the wall color, I like the pale green in the picture too and I like the white on the bottom, the crib in the picture is white and it doesn't look like too much. I would say (for me) I wouldn't paint any wall pink, unless it was VERY pale. I love me some pink, but in small doses or as accent colors!!!
